
Find here all questions that users of beverwijkheemskerkvoorelkaar have about the transport category.

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Image about Volunteer Client Transport - internal

Volunteer Client Transport - internal

Verpleeghuis Meerstate - ViVa! Zorggroep

You probably know it from hospitals where patient transport is mentioned. Will you soon be part of our newly formed Volunteer Client...

Image about Technical Employee Liaison Service KL

Technical Employee Liaison Service KL

Rode Kruis

We are looking for a volunteer for +/- 4 hours per week. What are you going to do? In the Kennemerland district, Red Cross volunte...

Image about Looking for a walking buddy!

Looking for a walking buddy!

Viva! Zorggroep, locatie Huis ter Wijck

Looking for a walking volunteer who wants to take a walk individually with a client in a wheelchair. So that this client can enjoy t...

Image about Flex drivers

Flex drivers

STG vrijwilligershulp & mantelzorg

Will you help our clients get started and help us out? Would you like to be active voluntarily, but is this not possible on a regul...

Image about Enthusiastic drivers

Enthusiastic drivers

STG vrijwilligershulp & mantelzorg

Do you help our clients on their way? To get to the day spending of the SIG, our clients are brought and achieved by volunteer driv...

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Image about Driver wanted for electric bus

Driver wanted for electric bus

De Hartekampgroep

We all live close to work but need help getting there. Do you want to drive the electric bus (automatic)? We work in the Broekpolder...

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